Midnight in Paris

The Design

The inspiration for this design came from late nights spent walking through Paris. When off, the light appears to be completely white with no depth or deeper meaning. When illuminated, the windows come to life as if someone was home inside the design. The warm subtle glow of the interior light imitates the calmness and detachment of life from the perspective of an outside viewer. Functioning as a nightlight for all ages, the design allows for ones imagination to come to life after dark and create a stimulating narrative. 


This design is created from laser cut acrylic and stands 30x15cm. The interior illustrations are fastened to the back and customers are encouraged to create their own to put in the windows. 

Competencies Used

All three of these competencies were well used and represented throughout the development of this project. 

Firstly, My design process was extensive and well rounded. I was organized from the initial departure into research until the final product was complete. Since this was a self direct project I was able to take time and look into who I wanted to influence with the final product. This idea originally began as a nightlight for children but as the project progressed, I realized it had the potential to reach more people. 

Secondly, I used a variety of fabrication techniques in this project to have a successful outcome. I made use of paper and cardboard for the prototyping, while moving to acrylic laser cutting for the final deliverable. One of the main aspects was to make this an inexpensive product that had the potential to be mass produced, which was achieved through material choice and production methods. 

Thirdly, I began this process by looking at the traditional buildings found in Paris in order to accurately represent that in my lamp. The overall form of the product didn't change too much but the contents within and and stylistic details did. The characters, windows and balconies developed and changed as the project got closer to manufacturing. 

Using Format