Aurora Lighting 

The Design

The process behind this design was to create a product that was a true representation of Canadian identity. This light aims to imitate the natural forms and colours of the aurora borealis. This product is made entirely of high quality paper and is packaged in a small tube. The customer assembles it themselves using easy to follow number guides and modular paper joints. This process allows for easy shipping and packaging while maintaining the stunning nature of the product.


The process of creating this design was constant trial and error to find the shapes and cutlines to make assembly easy for the customer. Made from 100% paper, this design is extremely light weight and offers a warm and inviting glow to any home. 

Competencies Used

These competencies were most present while undergoing the process of designing the aurora lamp. 

Firstly, this was a partnered project that took many weeks. This required me to use my skills of understanding people to make the project run as smoothly as possible. This competency was expressed through discussion, giving opinions and constructive criticism that would lead to a better end result. 

Secondly, this project underwent many changes from the original design. Through this process, countless mock-ups and sketches were created to finally find a project that satisfied our vision and the brief. This development was extremely useful as we came such a long way from the original idea but ultimately ended up with something we were both very proud of. 

Thirdly, my context of design was very much present during this process. This brief was based on Canadian heritage, and required research research into the meaning of that, and how this cold be translated into a physical product. I used my overall understanding of the design industry to form and shape this product into something that could be accepted on the market. 

Using Format